sábado, 17 de janeiro de 2015

Interview with Cardinal Castrillón on the Motu Proprio

Interview with Cardinal Castrillón on the Motu Proprio

Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos has granted an interview to L'Osservatore Romano. (Since the articles there stay only up for a day, see also here on the Papa Ratzinger blog).

I have now translated the entire piece by Gianluca Biccini. I have highlighted some especially interesting, important and/or beautiful passages.
In the Liturgy the Sense of Catholicity and Unity

"Benedict XVI's apostolic letter Summorum Pontificum on the use of the Roman liturgy prior to the reform carried out in 1970 is making return to full communion with Rome also some non-Catholics. Requests in this sense are arriving after the pope has renewed the possibilty to celebrate according to the old rite." This says cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos, president of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, who in this interview with our newspaper, after the publication of the papal document on Acta Apostolicae Sedis, clarifies its contents and highlights its importance as a means to conserve the treasure of the liturgy that dates back to St. Gregory the Great and for a renewed dialogue with those who, because of liturgical reform, have distanced thmeselves from the Church of Rome. The publication on the Acta preceded by a few days the appointments by Benedict XVI of Monsignor Camille Perl, the previous secretary, as vice president of Ecclesia Dei, and of Monsignor Mario Marini, the previous adjunct secretary, as secretary.

The letter, in the form of motu proprio, does not refer to the present normal form - the ordinary form – of the Eucharistic liturgy, which is that of the Roman missal published by Paul VI and then reissued on two occasions by John Paul II, but refers to the use of the extraordinary form, which is that of the missale Romanum prior to the Council, published in 1962 with the authority of John XXIII. This is not a case of two different rites, but of a twofold use of the one Roman rite. It is the form of celebration – explains the Colombian cardinal - "that has been used for more than 1400 years. This rite, which we could call Gregorian, has inspired the Masses of Palestrina, Mozart, Bach and Beethoven, great cathedrals and wonderful works of painting and sculpture."

"Thanks to the motu proprio not a few have requested the return to full communion and some have already returned - the president of Ecclesia Dei adds -. In Spain, the "Oasis of Jesus the Priest", an entire cloistered monastery with thirty sisters led by their founder, has already been recognized and regularized by the Pontifical Commission; then there are cases of American, German and French groups on their way of regularization. Lastly there are single priests and lay people who contact us, write to us and call us for a reconciliation, and on the other hand there are so many other faithful who express their gratitude to the pope and their gladness for the motu proprio."

Osservatore Romano: Some have accused the Pope of wanting to impose a liturgical model in which the language and gestures of the rite appear as the exclusive monopoly of the priest, while the faithful would be extraneous and therefore excluded from a direct relationship with God.

Cardinal Castrillón: On the occasion of the Baptism of the Lord, for example, Benedict XVI actually celebrated in the Sistine Chapel with the face towards the crucifix. The Pope celebrated in Italian according to the ordinary form, which does not exclude, however, the possibility of celebrating towards the altar and not versus populum, and which also foresees celebration in Latin. Let us remember that the ordinary form is the Mass that normally all the priests say, according to the post-conciliar reform; while the extraordinary form is the Mass prior to the liturgical reform, which according to the motu proprio today everyone can celebrate, and which has never been prohibited .

OR: Yet some criticisms seem to come even from bishops?

C: One or two have difficulties, but those are a few exceptions, because most agree with the Pope. Rather, we find expressed some practical difficulties. We need to be clear: this is not a return to the past but a step forward, because this way you have two treasures, rather than only one. This treasure, therefore, is being offered, respecting the rights of those who are particularly attached to the old liturgy. There then may follow some problems to be solved with common sense. For instance, it can happen that a priest does not have the appropriate preparation and cultural sensitivity. Only think of priests that come from areas where the language is very different from Latin. But this does still not mean a rejection: it is the presentation of a real difficulty, which is to be surmounted.

Our own Pontifical Commission is thinking about organizing a form of aid to seminaries, to dioceses and to bishops' conferences. Another possibility being studied is to promote multimedia resources for coming to know and learning the extraordinary form with all the theological, spiritual, and artistic richness also linked to the ancient liturgy. Furthermore it seems important also to involve groups of priests who already use the extraordinary form, who will offer thmeselves both to celebrate and to demonstrate and teach the celebration according to the missal of 1962.

OR: So the problem does not exist?

C: It is rather a dispute which has arisen from acertain lack of knowledge. Some ask permission for example, as if it were a concession or an exceptional case, but there is no need: the Pope has been clear. It is a mistake of some people and some journalists to believe that the use of the Latin language pertains only to the ancient rite, whereas, to the contrary, it is also foreseen in the missal of Paul VI.

Through the motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum" the Pope offers to all priests the possibility to celebrate Mass in the traditional form, and to the faithful to exercise the right to have this rite when the conditions specified in the motu proprio are met.

OR: How have groups such as the Fraternity of St. Pius X reacted, which refuses to celebrate the novus ordo Mass established after the Second Vatican Council?

C: The Lefebvrians from the outset have maintained that the old form had never been abolished. It is clear that it has never been abrogated, although before the motu proprio many have deemed it forbidden. But now, it may be offered to all the faithful who wish it, depending on the possibilities. But it is also clear that if there is not a priest adequately prepared, it can not be offered because it is not only about the Latin language, but also about knowing the old use as such. We must comprehend some differences: the larger room for silence for the faithful, that fosters contemplation of the mystery and personal prayer. Finding again spaces of silence is today for our culture not only a religious necessity. I remember having participated as a bishop in a high-level business management course, where there was talk of the need for the manager to have available a half-dark room where to sit down to think before deciding.

Silence and contemplation are necessary attitudes also today, above all regarding the mystery of God.

OR: Eight months have passed since the promulgation of the document. It is true that it has attracted a lot of supporters also in other ecclesial realities?

C: The pope offers to the Church a treasure which is spiritual, cultural, religious and catholic. We have received letters of agreement also from prelates of the orthodox churches, from anglican and protestant faihtful. Lastly there are some priests of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X who, singly, are seeking to regularize their position. Some of them have already signed the formula of adhesion. We are informed that there are traditionalist lay faithful, close to the Fraternity, who have begun to frequent Masses in the older rite offered in the churches of the dioceses."

OR: How is a return to "full communion" possible for people who are excommunicated?

C: The excommunication concerns only the four bishops, because they have been ordained without the mandate of the Pope and against his will, while the priests are only suspended. The Mass they celebrate is without a doubt valid, but not licit and, therefore, participation is not recommended, unless on a Sunday there should be no other possibilities. Certainly neither the priests, nor the faithful are excommunicated. Let me reiterate in this regard the importance of a clear understanding of things to be able to judge correctly.

OR: Do you not fear that the attempt to bring back inside the Church men and women who do not recognize the II Vatican Council could provoke an alienation in those faithful who see in Vatican II a compass for navigating the barque of Peter, especially in these times of constant changes?

C: First of all, the problem regarding the Council is not, in my opinion, as grave as it might seem. In fact, the bishops of the Fraternity of St. Pius X, headed by Monsignor Bernard Fellay, have expressly recognized Vatican II as an Ecumenical Council and Monsignor Fellay has reiterated this in a meeting with Pope John Paul II, and more explicitly in the audience of 29 August 2005 with Benedict XVI. Nor can it be forgotten that Monsignor Marcel Lefebvre has signed all the documents of the Council.

I think their criticism of the council concerns rather the clarity of certain texts, in the absence of which the way is opened for interpretations which are not in accordance with the traditional doctrine. The biggest difficulties are interpretative in nature or have to do with some gestures in the ecumenical field, but not with the teaching of Vatican II. These are theological discussions, which may take place inside the Church, where in fact there are different discussions regarding the interpretation of the texts of the Council, discussions which can continue also with the groups returning to full communion.

OR: So the Church extends her hands to them, also through this new motu proprio on the ancient liturgy?

C: Yes, certainly, because it is precisely in the liturgy that the whole sense of Catholicity is expressed and it [the liturgy] is a source of unity. I really like the novus ordo which I celebrate daily. I had not celebrated anymore according to the missal of 1962, after the post-conciliar liturgical reform. Today in resuming sometimes the extraordinary rite, I myself have rediscovered the richness of the old liturgy that the Pope wants to keep alive, preserving that age-old form of Roman tradition.

We must never forget that the ultimate point of reference in the liturgy, as in life, is always Christ. We have therefore no fear, also in the liturgical rite, to turn towards Him, toward the crucifix, together with the faithful, to celebrate the holy sacrifice, in an unbloody manner, as the Council of Trent has defined the Mass.

fonte:new liturgical movement
His Eminence with Ordinati
His Eminence and Fr. Jared McCambridge, FSSP
His Eminence and Fr. Dennis Gordon, FSSP
His Eminence and Fr. Justin Nolan, FSSP
His Eminence and Fr. Jonathan Romanoski, FSSP
In Lincoln, Nebraska at the Cathederal of the Risen Christ, His Eminence, Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos ordained four new Priest for the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter. The following day, His Grace, Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith ordained 8 Deacons for the Fraternity in Germany.
Laudetur Jesus Christus
fonte:una voce carmel

quinta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2015

Cardinale Darìo Castrillòn Hoyòs ha celebrato 5 Anni fa Pontificale dell'Epifania a Campocavallo

Il Pontificale dell'Epifania a Campocavallo

 5 anni fa la frazione osimana di Campocavallo ha vissuto un pomeriggio storico.
Per la prima volta un Cardinale ha fatto visita allo splendido Santuario sorto dopo il miracolo che la Madonna volle riservare a quelle umili popolazioni nel 1892.
Il cerimoniale, curato dai Francescani dell’Immacolata e dai ministranti locali, è stato solenne : il Cardinale Darìo Castrillòn Hoyòs ha fatto l'ingresso nel Santuario in "cappa magna" mentre la Schola Cantorum di Corridonia ha intonato l'Ecce Sacerdos Magnus.
Dopo il canto dell'ora di terza, in gregoriano, è snodata la processione introitale mentre il maestro Simone Baiocchi, organista e cantore gregorianista, ha proclamato l'antifona d'ingresso dell'Epifania.
E' stata poi eseguita la Missa Secunda Pontificalis di Lorenzo Perosi che ha destato molta ammirazione fra i numerosissimi fedeli che hanno affollato anche lateralmente il Santuario.
Presenti i ministranti che abitualmente a Campocavallo servono la Messa domenicale e festiva.
Nell'omelia il Cardinale ha sottolineato la bellezza santificante della liturgia antica, che Papa Benedetto XVI ha restituito pienamente con il Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" ed ha elogiato i Frati Francescani dell'Immacolata che in Italia ed all'estero si rendono promotori di questa forma liturgica citando più volte gli scritti del Venerabile Giovanni Paolo II, la cui opera a favore dell’antica liturgia è stata portata a termine dal suo successore.
“ La Messa gregoriana – ha detto il Cardinale Castrillon Hoyos – è adorazione a Dio ed è la contemplazione della sua gloria”.
Ha anche ringraziato il Coro per la bella musica che ha elevato alla gloria di Dio eseguendo la stupenda messa di Perosi.
Con accenti accorati il Cardinale ha esortato i fedeli a mantenere viva la fiamma della fede anche avvalendosi delle antiche tradizioni dei nostri padri : come quella di fare il presepio in casa.
Un particolare appello è stato rivolto a favore del mantenimento del Crocifisso nei locali pubblici come segno di identità del nostro popolo.
Brillavano gli stupendi paramenti prestati dalla Basilica Concattedrale di Osimo : la sagrestia della prima chiesa di Osimo vanta un patrimonio quasi unico di arredi sacri.
Diversi i Sacerdoti e i Religiosi convenuti per l’occasione e, come si diceva prima, anche gruppi di fedeli provenienti soprattutto dall’Emilia Romagna.
Il Cardinale, terminato il Pontificale, ha visitato il Museo del Covo e il Presepio che ogni anno viene rinnovato.

Grazie ad A.C per le foto e per la cronaca

sábado, 3 de janeiro de 2015

Cardeal Darío Castrillón destacou que Bento XVI oferece com este documento "a todos os sacerdotes a possibilidade de celebrar a Missa também na forma tradicional e aos fiéis permite exercita

Cardeal Darío Castrillón destacou que Bento XVI oferece com este documento "a todos os sacerdotes a possibilidade de celebrar a Missa também na forma tradicional e aos fiéis permite exercitar o direito de ter este rito quando existirem as condições especificadas no motu proprio".

Motu Proprio sobre Missa Tridentina não é volta ao passado, precisa Cardeal Castrillón
01.04.2008 - ROMA - Em uma entrevista concedida ao jornal oficioso do Vaticano, L'Osservatore Romano ), o Cardeal Darío Castrillón Hoyos, Presidente da Pontifícia Comissão Ecclesia Dei explicou que o Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum do Papa Bento XVI que liberaliza a Missa em latim não é uma volta ao passado e gerou além disso o retorno à plena comunhão de muitos irmãos separados.

Na entrevista realizada por Gianluca Biccini, o Cardeal explicou que "a carta apostólica de Bento XVI Summorum Pontificum sobre o uso da liturgia romana anterior à reforma efetuada em 1970 está fazendo voltar inclusive alguns não católicos à plena comunhão com Roma. Solicitam-no dessa forma logo que o Papa renovasse a possibilidade de celebrar segundo o antigo rito".

O Cardeal Castrillón pôs como exemplo o seguinte caso: "na Espanha, o Oásis de Jesus Sacerdote, um inteiro monastério de clausura com 30 irmãs guiadas por seu fundador, já foi reconhecido e regularizado pela Pontifícia Comissão".

"De outro lado existem grupos de americanos, alemães e franceses e alguns leigos que nos contactam, escrevem-nos e chamam para procurar uma reconciliação e de outra parte há muitos outros fiéis que manifestam sua gratidão ao Papa pela promulgação do motu proprio", prosseguiu.

Para o Presidente da Pontifícia Comissão Ecclesia Dei "é necessário deixar algo em claro: não se trata de um retorno ao passado mas sim de um progresso, porque se têm agora duas riquezas, em vez de uma só. E desta forma se oferece esta riqueza, respeitando o direito de quem está particularmente ligado à antiga liturgia".

Embora admitiu que podem surgir alguns problemas práticos no momento da aplicação do motu proprio, o Cardeal indicou que a Pontifícia Comissão que preside "está pensando em organizar uma forma de ajuda aos seminários, dioceses e conferências episcopais. Outra perspectiva em estudo é a de promover subsídios multimídia para o conhecimento e a aprendizagem da forma extraordinária com toda a riqueza teológica, espiritual e artística ligada também à antiga liturgia".

"Além disso parece importante que existam sacerdotes que já usam a forma extraordinária e que se ofereçam para celebrar ou para ilustrar a celebração segundo o missal de 1962", explicou.

Depois de precisar que com este motu proprio "o Papa foi claro" e que "é um engano de algumas pessoas e de alguns jornalistas, afirmar que o uso da língua latina só lhe pertence ao antigo rito, já que se estiver previsto no missal de Paulo VI", o Cardeal colombiano destacou que Bento XVI oferece com este documento "a todos os sacerdotes a possibilidade de celebrar a Missa também na forma tradicional e aos fiéis permite exercitar o direito de ter este rito quando existirem as condições especificadas no motu proprio".

"O Papa oferece à Igreja uma riqueza que é espiritual, cultural, religiosa e católica. recebemos cartas de consenso também de prelados das Igrejas ortodoxas, dos anglicanos e protestantes. Também há alguns sacerdotes da Fraternidade São Pio X que, individualmente, estão procurando regularizar sua posição. Alguns deles já assinaram a fórmula de adesão. Sabemos também que existem leigos tradicionalistas, próximos à Fraternidade, que começaram a frequentar as missas no rito antigo oferecidas nas Igrejas das dioceses", continuou o Cardeal.

Ao perguntar-se o como é possível um retorno à "plena comunhão" para pessoas excomungadas?", o Cardeal respondeu que "a excomunhão só recaiu sobre os quatro bispos" ordenados pelo bispo cismático francês Marcel Lefebvre, entre os que se encontra o actual líder da Fraternidade São Pio X, Dom Bernard Fellay, "porque foram ordenados sem o mandato do Papa e contra sua vontade, enquanto que os sacerdotes estão somente suspensos".

Precisando um dado mais sobre estes sacerdotes suspensos, o Cardeal acrescentou que "a Missa que celebram é sem dúvida válida, mas não lícita e; por essa razão, não se aconselha a participação nela, a menos que no domingo não exista outra possibilidade. Certamente nem os sacerdotes nem os fiéis estão excomungados. Queria a propósito deles esclarecer importância das coisas para poder as julgar correctamente".

De outro lado o Cardeal Castrillón comentou também algumas coisas de sua experiência pessoal com a liturgia. "Eu gosto muito do novus ordo que celebro quotidianamente. Não celebrei mais segundo o missal de 1962, logo depois da reforma litúrgica. Hoje ao retomar algumas vezes o rito extraordinário, também eu redescobri a riqueza da antiga liturgia que o Papa quer manter viva, conservando aquela forma secular da tradição romana".

"Não devemos esquecer nunca que o ponto supremo de referência na liturgia, como na vida, é sempre Cristo. Não temos então medo, também no rito litúrgico, de nos voltar para Ele, para o crucificado, juntos aos fiéis, para celebrar o santo sacrifício, em modo incruento, como o Concílio de Trento definiu a Missa", concluiu.

Fonte: ACI